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The Architects - Breslin Ridyard Fadero

are paying themselves well

We Don't Need a New Middle School.

They WANT a New Middle School.


The district hired an architect firm to identify repairs needed in all the schools.  Breslin Ridyard Fadero architects wrote the feasibility study on the district website.  The recommendation from the architect firm is to build a new middle school! --Not necessary!

The district then turned around and awarded the project to the same architect firm. They did not go out to bid the project or even get a second opinion.  --Suspicious?


Such a large project that's over $58.5 million dollars and the district didn’t think it was worth shopping around for the best deal?


An architect that boasts he has never gone over the estimate on a job is

the same as stating he over estimates all his jobs.


The architects have admittedly kept the costs just under the 'cap' for
legally needing a public referendum (community vote).


If the district is so confident that they are making the 'right' decision, then why is the district so afraid of having the community vote?

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